Thursday, July 26, 2012

黃美珍 Jane Huang - 夠好 Well Enough lyrics translation

You were good to me, leaving behind your jacket on the coldest winter day

你的外套 從此讓我連影子都有你味道
Your jacket from then on made your scent linger in my shadow

曖昧是一種藥 等著上癮想戒掉
Being dubious is a remedy; once I get addicted to it I want to give up

眼看你和她 正面擁抱
I see you and her with my own eyes, openly hugging each other

當我是你 最低調的玩笑
If I were you, that would be my lamest joke

你愛她 彷彿炫耀
You tell me that you love her, as you flaunt it around

With a blessed tone I tell you that I’m already well enough without you

你對我好 表現在眾人面前多完美客套
You were good to me, making others believe that you were so polite

Your courtesy only made the introverted girl aware that she was so silly

曖昧是一種藥 等著上癮想戒掉
Being dubious is a remedy; once I get addicted to it I want to give up

眼看你和她 正面擁抱
I see you and her with my own eyes, openly hugging each other

當我是你 最低調的玩笑
If I were you, that would be my lamest joke

你愛她 彷彿炫耀
You tell me that you love her, as you flaunt it around

With a blessed tone I tell you that I’m already well enough without you

最後你給我 一個擁抱
You gave me one last hug
And only said you’re sorry for all the trouble you gave me lately

給我的祝福 多有禮貌
You gave me such a courteous blessing

With a blessed tone I tell you that I’m already well enough without you